The ‘Jam Roll’ caravan was donated by Countess Gravina, she was a life-long member of the Guides and was District Commissioner for Malling and Headcorn and Division Commissioner for Weald. Apart from raising her three children in the caravan, she led mountaineering expeditions and in 1962 led a four-woman team to climb three un-climbed peaks in the Himalayas. Her husband, Count Gravina was a conductor and the great-grandson of Liszt.

The Countess died in 1990 aged 85 and a receiver of the Girl Guide Beaver Award.

The original caravan was cream and white inside and green on the outside but was repainted by Sevenoaks Division Guides to the colours we have today, yellow, green and red. It was named Jam Roll after the nick-name given to the Rolls-Royce that was presented to Lord Baden Powell at the Scout Jamboree in 1928 – the Chief Guide, Olave Lady Baden-Powell, opened the renovated Paxwood in 1957 and was more than happy to have the name given to the caravan. She was also happy to have rooms in the house named after the names of their early homes; names such as Pax Hill, Pax Tu, Ewhurst and Mynthurst.

We would like to repair the flooring and replace any rotten beams and supports as well as move it onto a flat, stable base to preserve it for many years to come.

As well as renovating Jam roll, we would like to turn it into an activity room for the users of the campsite, (which includes local schools), with a display explaining the history and heritage of the campsite and Jam Roll.

This will take a while and we will keep you updated with the latest news and progress with Jam Roll's renovation.

If you would like to donate to the 'Save Jam Roll fund' please visit our Gofundme page

We are also one of the Co-op's chosen charities this year. If you shop at the Co-op, please select our cause to enable more money to be collected for the restoration of Jam Roll.
Take part in the Jam Roll Challenge badge as a unit or as an individual ​Jam Roll challenge badge syllabus​​​
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